
PHOTOs of WENDY, a Nakuru lady reportedly murdered by abusive husband – He did a coverup and made it appear like a suicide.

Saturday, 25 February 2023 – The family of Wendy Audrey Kajo, a 25-year-old lady, is seeking justice after she was allegedly murdered by her husband identified as Steve Opar at their residence in Nakuru.

Wendy’s lifeless body was found in the house on February 20, 2023.

When her husband was questioned, he claimed that he was not in the house when she died.

He further alleged that she had committed suicide by taking an overdose of morphine drugs.

However, when a post-mortem was conducted, no trace of morphine drug was found in her body.

The pathologist ruled out suicide and concluded that she was murdered.

Her brain was swollen, an indication that someone must have physically assaulted her before she died.

Her husband is the prime suspect in the murder since he has been subjecting her to physical abuse for the last four years.

The deceased’s family wants her husband to be brought to book.

Below is a post by Usikimye – a human rights group- highlighting the tragic incident.

See photos of the deceased lady whose life was reportedly cut short by her abusive husband.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.