
CS Kindiki Names Condition for Restoring Security to Azimio Leaders

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Kithure has outlined the prerequisites that opposition leaders must fulfill in order to reapply for the restoration of their security.

Addressing the Parliamentary Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity on Thursday, CS Kindiki stated that the government would consider reinstating security personnel for the leaders only if they comply with police directives and refrain from organizing demonstrations (maandamano).

While acknowledging the leaders’ right to security personnel, the CS emphasized that those seeking protection from the government must be willing to refrain from causing damage to State or citizens’ property under the pretext of organizing demonstrations.

“We offer security to every citizen in the country. If those affected individuals have ceased their previous activities, they can approach us, and we will provide them with security. They are entitled to security,” Kindiki said.

But Kasipul MP Charles Were faulted the CS’s stance, arguing that there are no ongoing riots and therefore the State should have already reinstated security for the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya leaders.

In response, CS Kindiki maintained that it was inappropriate to have armed officers safeguarding leaders who are simultaneously leading protests and disturbances.

The Interior chief pointed out that this situation presents a security risk because the officers, while providing protection to the leaders, may inevitably clash with their colleagues who are assigned the responsibility of restoring peace during protests.

“These are people who are serving in the same agency with police who were containing the protests…you can easily create a very ugly situation so we said all those who were exercising their right of picketing should do so peacefully and unarmed,” Kindiki explained.

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