Tension High In Migori After This Deadly Animal Spotted Just A Day After Another One Was Killed
Photo Courtesy
Tension is reportedly high in Midida village West Kanyamkago Uriri Sub-County, Migori County after residents reportedly spotted another hyena on their way to the farm at around 6:30 am just a day after another hyena was torched and killed by angry residents after it was caught eating a sheep which belongs to Mr.
The dead animal is said to have been spotted beside Mr. Joseph Otieno’s homestead, they then alerted the residents who seemed to were still asleep being that it is a weekend.
The residents though responded quickly to the alert and try to catch up with the wild animal though their efforts were thwarted after the hyena narrowly escape into a sugarcane plantation.
The residents are now crying foul to Kenya Wildlife Service to come to rescue them citing that the hyenas might be many in the region. The area chief had however reported the matter to Uriri Sub-county OCS and the matter is now under investigation.
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