
Raila’s 10 Demands to Ruto on How to Lower Cost of Living

Raila Odinga has presented President William Ruto with a set of requests aimed at lowering the high cost of living and reducing government spending.

During a press conference held in Nairobi, the Azimio leader expressed the coalition’s opposition to the revenue-generating initiatives outlined in the Finance Bill 2023. He argued that these measures would exacerbate the country’s existing economic crisis and called for alternative solutions.

Odinga said the ruling Kenya Kwanza government is the first administration to impose heavy taxes on Kenyans without delivering tangible benefits, offering nothing more than fantasies and fairy tales in return.

“This Bill is economic sabotage. If Ruto insists on this Bill, this country will go into full recession. This Bill requires and must get fierce resistance,” said Odinga, adding that the Finance Bill is “a disease that cannot be cured with everyday herbs”.

The former Prime Minister denounced the proposed Bill as an act of economic sabotage. He warned that if President Ruto persists in pushing for its implementation, the country will inevitably slide into a severe recession.

“Looking at the proposals, one cannot help asking what planet does Ruto live on? Does he understand what Kenyans are going through?” Odinga posed.

“The Bill exposes a clear disconnect between Ruto’s fantasy and the experiences of ordinary people,” he added.

Raila went on to outline 10 ways through which President Rut can lower the cost of living.

These are:

Put an end to the duplication of roles and responsibilities at the county level. The proposed Bill shows a Sh35 billion increase in the national health budget, despite health being a devolved function.
Implement zero-based budgeting, where each budget starts from scratch and requires justification for every expense, rather than using the previous budget as a baseline.
Avoid expanding the size of the budget; instead, make necessary cuts and prioritize living within the means of the country.
Rather than imposing new taxes, focus on closing loopholes that result in revenue loss.
Cease non-essential government expenditures, including the appointment of Chief Administrative Secretaries.
Reduce the overall size of the government.
Decrease non-essential domestic and international travel expenses.
Freezet ministerial out-of-station allowances, ministerial house allowances, and domestic allowances for cabinet members and principal secretaries.
Take decisive action to combat corruption and prevent the theft of public funds.
Lastly, we urge Ruto to display humility by retracting this Bill, offering an apology, and seeking forgiveness from the Kenyan people for the distress it has caused. Only then can a fresh start be made.

The post Raila’s 10 Demands to Ruto on How to Lower Cost of Living appeared first on Nairobi Wire.