One family in Busia county has been left in sadness and mourning following the death of their one year old child while in police custody at the Malaba police station. According to the mother, she was arrested on Wednesday at around 3pm by the area chief and his team for being in possession of a local brew “Chang’aa”.
However, she reports that on the same Wednesday, she had taken her child to a community health worker where he was given antimalarial drugs. She was trying to collect money so that she could be able to take him to Kocholya health center. However on being taken to the police station she tried to plead on account of her son’s health but on one listened to her.
By morning the following day after her child’s health deteriorated, whereby she also reports of convulsion and severe vomiting, it’s when a female officer notified their bosses who took much time to respond. The child was taken to Kocholya health center. The child later passed on at the health centre. However, Malaba police station OCS denies any accountability to the child’s demise saying that actions were taken according to the information provided.