While speaking to news sources in Migori, led by Uriri Sub-county UDA party coordinator who said that he was glad to represent a party that is going to give youths more priorities through their bottom-up economic once they ascend to power next year.
Another resident identified as Williamson Onyango pointed out that they are joining UDA ahead of the 2022 general election, citing that they are tired of being on the always losing side after their candidate Raila Odinga lost in almost three elections.
He added even if one marries a wife and does not bore him a single child for almost 20 years, the man will eventually send her parking the way they have decided to send ODM parking.
William Jaoko Okeyo a resident of West Kanyamkago village added that they are joining DP Ruto’s UDA party because it has stormed the county’s political arena and they believe that UDA is going to form the next government, he also urged the entire Migori residents to come out in large numbers and register as UDA party members.
Dear readers, who between Raila and Ruto will you vote as your next President? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section and follow for more news updates.
My vote goes to Dr.William Arap Ruto.The man with the new ideas.We can’t continue doing the same thing and expecting different results.The Bottom up economic model is the way to go.
Do Ruto is already in the government with the new ideas you are talking about.
My vote goes to Dr.William Arap Ruto.The man with the new ideas.We can’t continue doing the same thing and expecting different results.