Gloves Off As Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Tells DP Ruto To Quit Over This


WIPER leader Kalonzo Musyoka has renewed his attacks on the deputy president William Ruto, accusing him of questionable dealings. Musyoka who had visited the DCI headquarters over his Yatta firm, Kalonzo said that deputy president William Ruto is unsuitable to run for president. Kalonzo accused the DP of questionable dealings with the aviation industry being the subject of interest.

A seemingly angered Musyoka took a swipe at Ruto over the ownership of Weston Hotel. Musyoka who claims to have been cleared of any wrongdoing in the ownership of the Yatta farm also accused the Deputy President of unprocedural acquiring land belonging to former vice president Joseph Murumbi in Kilgoris, transamara district.

The exchange between the wiper leader and the DP began when an allegation was made on the deputy president that Kalonzo is illegally occupying land belonging to NYS in Yatta.

With all these in mind, the WIPER leader is now calling on the deputy president to quit office, since his record does do not qualify him for the bigger office which he is eyeing in the coming 2022 elections.

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