Good News To “Hustlers” As MPs Relieve ‘Mwananchi’ Of NHIF Contribution


The National Assembly Committee on health has rejected the proposal for compulsory NHIF contributions which had sought to compel every Kenyan above 18 years to contribute to the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF).The National Hospital Insurance Fund (Amendment) Bill had proposed that all adults contribute Sh500 monthly in the remodelled Universal Health Coverage (UHC) scheme.

The Bill also proposed that the membership of the fund be ranked equally with other state documents including KRA PINs. It goes ahead to state that any Kenyan without proof of having enrolled with NHIF be locked out of government services.

The National Assembly Committee on health while rejecting the proposal suggested that the government both national and county foot bills for the 5.1 million poor households across the country.

“All persons aged 18 years and above to mandatorily contribute is not feasible,” the committee’s report read in part.

The committee also rejected the proposal that would compel business owners to match worker’s monthly contributions saying that by so doing,it would hurt the wage bill of companies and their ability to create jobs.

“The obligation on employers to make matching contributions to the NHIF will affect the wage bill and destroy the capacity of enterprises to create new jobs as well as lead to decline by employers in offering private health insurance for their employees.”

The committee’s recommendations have thus been tabled before the House awaiting debate.

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