Migori county Governor relates the African backwardness to fear.


Speaking today 31st May at Heritage Annex in Migori county,where he validated the KuPEA first Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment validation workshop programme in the entire Western and Nyanza Region.

The county governor said that, NuPEA bear good news to the entire country. But the only problem with African countries is that they fear much the consequences that may come with the new technology,he added that it’s now high time that citizens together with the leaders have to accept the NuPEA programme since it has more good than the negative impacts to the citizens.

Shedding more light on the Migori County Ps.Land, Hon.Elijah Odhiambo,the Governor said that Migori as a county has enough land and is more than ready to offer a public land for the establishment of the project by the NuPEA incase they will be rejected by other counties where they have seen suitable for the project like Kilifi and Kwale.

‘As Kenyans we are curious to advance to levels reached by developed countries,let’s not fear.

The hydro can now be eliminated.With nuclear energy production better things will come over us,let’s open up and embrace new technology in the greater part of the continent.’Added Hon.Obado.

NuPEA is an organization that was formed in 2010 as the Nuclear Electricity Project committe (NEPC). It was transformed into a parastatal under the State Corporation Act,as the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board in November 2012.

Following the enactment of Energy act 2019,Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board(KNEB)changed its name to Nuclear Power and Energy Agency(NuPEA).This took effect from 28th March 2019.

The legislation conferred and expanded mandate to the organization involving carrying out research for development and dissemination of energy technologies as well as capacity building for the entire energy sector.

This is in addition to the development of the Nuclear Power programme for electricity generation in Kenya.

NuPEA is currently in the process of undertaking sitting studies to identify suitable locations for nuclear power plants in Kenya and developing the legislative and regulatory framework for a nuclear power programme with Migori county being the first county in Western and Nyanza region to receive the nupea team for the SESA.

In his remarks during the official openning of the workshop the governor said that our lenders like Japan and USA are among the counties who have managed it and if Kenya can look for a way of coming up with cheap energy then we won’t have any problem and the economy will grow.

This project is at 10% worldwide.The percentage will only increase if we accept it.The NuPEA programme will enable us to widen our understanding on micro and macro aspects.It’s only this programme that will propel us to the next economic level,we will be exporters if we can exploit this.

According to the NuPEA PS Energy,Mr.Timothy Wabuyako, the main objective of SESA is to address environmental and socio-economic management issue partained to nuclear programme and also to engage publics Migori being the 8th county to be visited and the first in Nyanza.

He added that NuPEA will impact much on employment, effect on nuclear accident and radioactive waste management from the rector’s.

According to the CEO representative Mdm.Caroline Oduor,the mandate of NuPEA is for the development of infrastructure necessary for establishment of Nuclear Power Program in Kenya.

NuPEA also coordinate research and development in the Energy Sector in Kenya.
Jesire Edwin in his presentation on the benefits of NuPEA stated that it’s the most efficient and powerful base load supplier and more reliableb which can run for upto 24 months without interruption,can also produce power 24/7 and is not weather dependent.

He added that it is of large source of Clean energy. It has safety records with evidences within six decades, the Nuclear accident risk is low and declining.

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