A video clip capturing the moment’s has gone viral creating panic among users. In the video clip, shell-shocked passengers and onlookers are seen wailing and praying as the gigantic vessel sounding danger as it edges towards the deep sea. The ferry seemed to have developed mechanical problems at earlier morning.
Efforts by the Kenya Ports Authority tower boat to push it to the Island ramps were unsuccessful as the ferry continued to move more and more to the deep sea. From the video background, the ferry services team are trying to calm the terrified passengers and canceled all other ferry services until the ocean calms.
More than 400,000 people and 10,000 vehicles cross the Likoni ferry channel every day but a look at history paints a picture of a death-trap. The Likoni ferry, which started operations in 1937, serves Mombasa from the Island to the mainland side of Likoni on the Kilindini Harbour .
The safety of the the ferry has been a concern for many years with the government recently moving to build a foot bridge at the Likoni area. However the lazy immature of coast people still find it Hard to walk over the less than a kilometer bridge. The bridge operates morning hours and evening to allow large ships which dock at kilindini to pass.