
ODM Party Final Statement On BBI Bill Amidst Internal Wrangles Between Top Officials

The Orange Democratic movement has issued their final stand on the Building Bridges Initiative BBI Bill amidst internal wrangles between the party’s top leadership, this is after section of the top officials including Siaya Senator James Orenga, Otiende Amollo Junet Mohammed and party chairman John Mbadi.

Siaya Senator James Orengo and MPs Otiende Amollo (Rarieda) and TJ Kajwang’—all members of the joint Justice and Legal Affairs Committee that was considering the Bill—have been pushing for amendments, arguing that Parliament cannot play a ‘flower girl’ role in the crucial law change process.

The division reportedly escalated after 11 MPs from Luo Nyanza came out to contradict the position earlier taken by the Orengo team, demanding that not even a comma be added or removed from the Bill.

Tellingly, the Orengo team gave the Serena press conference a wide berth, confirming the building implosion in the Raila camp.

There is disquiet in ODM circles that Raila’s troops have been the BBI’s engine, a document seen by critics to favour Mt Kenya, yet President Uhuru Kenyatta has not demonstrated intentions to back Raila for the presidency in 2022.

While addressing the matter partaining the BBI bill, ODM party said in their press statement that in past one week the party had had different opinions among the legislative wing with some suggesting for the amendments of the document but have finally settled to pass the bill and went ahead to assure their supporters and also the general public that they are working together to see their dreams come true in the near future.

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