CS Fred Matiang’i on Fraternization in Kenya — especially to the Police officers at work.

Fraternization is the interaction between co-workers that extends beyond business/work relationships.

It’s normal for colleagues working together to extend their relationship even to dating levels because of the close interaction and time they spend together at work.

If it happens two are dating each other, then the likelihood of excluding others on the team engaging in basic pleasantries increases. It’s very normal and humanly understood that way. When exclusion flows over into work tasks and productivity.

For all of the problems that fraternization poses, many have met their spouse through work. Business leaders must set boundaries through business policy to mitigate potential problems before they occur.

I am expounding and trying to explain what the Interior CS Fred Matiang’i was saying today about police officers getting into relationships. When a police officer gets intimate with his colleague at work there’s a very high possibility that the 2 won’t work to their expected standards.

They will tend to favour each other in one way or the other, either negatively or positively which will affect their delivery at work.

It has been proved beyond doubt that relationship and marriage problems are now becoming an issue in workplaces when it happens that spouses are working in the same work station.

For instance, when a police officer has issues with his/her spouse at home and they are working together if one is a boss, he/she will automatically extend the issues to work where you get that the partner who is in a lower rank gets discriminated at work or even transferred unfairly.

The police being part of the disciplined forces, are expected to portray the highest level of discipline and be a role model to the rest of the population.

Unfortunately, have witnessed police kill each other in cold blood in the recent past. The cases have become rampant and rising day in day out.

Investigations have shown that 90% of these murders happening between the police are love-related.

From this, I would say that Dr Fred Matiang’i is very right in suggesting that reforms be enacted to bar the police from marrying or getting intimate to reduce these cases.

This happens in the Military and we have seen no such cases emerge from the military.

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