Shock as GACHAGUA confirms the worst as he reveals what he and RUTO are doing in State House – Look! 

Monday, February 20, 2023 – Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has said the Kenya Kwanza government will prioritize those who supported it in the 2022 General Election amid a sustained onslaught on allies of the previous regime.

Speaking while on a tour of Kericho yesterday, Gachagua said those who supported them will “reap the harvest” before anybody else is considered.

“This government is a company that has shares. There are owners who have the majority of shares, and those with just a few, while others do not have any, therefore those who voted for us and supported us must enjoy the benefits first,” he said.

Gachagua invoked the biblical teachings in Galatians 6:10 to tell off Raila Odinga’s allies angling for positions in government.

 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

“You invested in this government and you must reap. You sowed, tilled, put manure and irrigated, and now it is time to reap,” Gachagua said.

Gachagua remarked that it is absurd that some opposition figures have begun showing up at State House in search of government appointments.

He said even though the government will serve all Kenyans, it is wise, just, and reasonable to reward its supporters with government positions.

“Some are criticizing me for saying those who sowed reap first, but there is nothing wrong. Their time of reaping will come someday in what remains after those who sowed have finished reaping,” he said.

He insisted that those who voted against Kenya Kwanza must “learn a lesson” about elections, even as he declared himself the “protector of State House”.

Gachagua promised to see to it that everyone who did not support Kenya Kwanza doesn’t hold any high-ranking position in the government.

“Elections have significance. You cannot make noise talking ill of Ruto and after he wins you get in line to get benefits before those who were with him,” he said.

“That is my work at State House; controlling that queue and deciding who is ahead of whom.”


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