Wednesday, March 29, 2023 – Renowned criminal lawyer, Cliff Ombeta, has defended the couple that was captured loading a sheep, believed to have been stolen from former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s land in their car on Monday.
The couple with car registration number KCX 047V bought one sheep and they were seen loading it on their car.
The couple bought the sheep from unknown goons who raided Uhuru’s Northlands Farm and stole 1400 heads of Dorper sheep.
Each Dorper sheep cost Sh 40,000 but the goons sold the sheep to the couple at Sh 1000.
The couple was unmasked on social media and it emerged the name of the husband is Kamarah Pitah.
Many Kenyans called on the police to prosecute the couple but Ombeta, who has a vast experience as a criminal lawyer, said the couple has no case to answer.
While responding to Kenyans on Twitter, Ombeta hilariously said the duo was not stealing the sheep but rescuing it from the dangerous and busy road. He asked if anyone has evidence that the couple had put the sheep in their car.
“This is not stealing. They are rescuing a stranded sheep that was wandering onto a dangerous and busy road. In fact, they had just dropped it back safely. Are you able to see it in the vehicle?” posed Ombeta.