Safaricom has announced a very big surprise to all Kenyans. The giant telecommunication company has revealed it’s intention to award Kenyans with gifts just 3 days to Christmas Celebrations on 22nd December. The award will be inform of a competition where customers have a chance to win upto 1 million Kenyan Shillings, in airtime,devices and shopping vouchers
“On 22nd December,we will activate a Google Street View Treasure Hunt where customers have a chance to win Kshs 1 million in prizes, airtime,devices and shopping vouchers.” Nick Namuyu,Chief Channel Officer revealed.
The company further revealed that they will roll out “Bonga for Christmas” where customers will able to redeem their Bonga points to pay for essential goods and services across the cast network of Lipa Na MPESA merchanta. This is according to Nick Namuyu.
The company seeks to make the Christmas festivities as enjoyable as possible with these amazing offers. So start from 22nd of this month,be ready for these offers from Safaricom.