Why RAILA is now planning to build his mansion and live in the Kibra slum when he retires from politics – Look!

Friday, March 31, 2023 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is planning to go back and live in the ghettos.

Speaking on Wednesday, Raila stated that once he retires from politics, he plans to build a retirement home in Kenya’s largest slum, Kibra.

Raila praised the slum, describing it as the face of Kenya due to the many communities that live there.

Kibra ni sura ya Kenya, kabila zote za Kenya ziko Kibra, hakuna mtu hayuko hapa,” Raila said on Wednesday. 

“Mimi ni mtu wa Kibra na nimekua mbunge kwa miaka ishirini, hakuna mtu amenshinda hapa Kibra,” 

Raila claims to be no stranger to Kibra, where he served as the MP for a whopping twenty years, and he is confident that he will be given a plot of land to build a house on once he retires.

“Mimi nitastaafu nitajenga Kibra, wakati nastaafu nitakuja kwenu mnipatie ploti, na nitajenga huko,” he added 

Raila’s visit to Kibra came after suspected goons raided the slum during Monday’s anti-government protests.

The PCEA church was set ablaze as suspected goons visited mayhem on residents. 

The attack also resulted in the destruction of property in Kibra, robberies with violence, and attacks on journalists covering the protests.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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