
Why Young Men Shun Marriage Today?

Young men in Kenya today tend to shun marriage, contrary to the past when men used to embrace marriage. The emergence of slay queens is however said to be one of the factors attributing to this trend where young men prefer dating slay queens to settling into marriage.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the reasons why young men today shun marriage. We will be looking into the reasons which includes; Lack of freedom to enjoy sex,

Commitment, responsibilities, cost of living, cost of bride wealth and rising rate of marital instability. This article purposely is to help you understand the reasons why young men shun marriage today.

Lack of freedom to enjoy sex with different partners – Young men today prefer the life before marriage which comes with freedom to enjoy sex with multiple partners, since they have proved to be cheating experts in their relationships, and this makes them lesser willing to be married as marriage will deny them the opportunity to enjoy sex with multiple partners.

Marriage is committal – Marriage comes with its commitments, which include loyalty to your partner. This factor seems a hindrance to young men today, as this will limit the time they spend with friends, going to parties and attending all sorts of peer events.

High cost of bridewealth – Some communities in Kenya still strictly adhere to cultural stereotypes which include setting high bride prices. For example in Kenya today, you will need a herd of cattle to marry a Maasai lady. This makes young adults view marriage as expensive.

Increased responsibilities – As a husband there are lots of responsibilities attached to marriage, which includes; financial support, physical, mental and spiritual provision for well-being of the family. These young adults seem to fear this responsibilities as some feel they are still not ready for such responsibilities.

High cost of living – Accordant to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the cost of living rose in January to 5.69% from 5.62% in December and since marriage comes with its added cost, young adults feel they can’t provide for a family due to the high living costs.

The rising rate of marital instability – This has led to rampant cases of divorce in Kenya which has created a negative view of marriage by young adults.

As discussed above, the factors are proving to make marriage threatening to young adults today.

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