Celebration Erupts in meru as they are gifted these special gifts by Uhuru’s government (video)

Celebrations have reportedly erupted in Meru County by residents after President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government reportedly gifted them with another Sub-county.

This will now see Imenti south subdivided into two Constituencies leading to the creation of Imenti East and Imenti South respectively.

Meru residents celebrate

The residents lead by their leaders after gifted the two constituencies requested President Uhuru’s government not to discriminate against the residents of the newly created Sub-counties, especially from Imenti South.

He added that all those people who will be recruited in KDF, teaching, police service, KWS and any work-related positions to be given to the two constituencies equally.

They added that their long-term plea to have the entire Imenti subdivided is a dream come true citing that it’s a journey that began back in 1963 immediately after Kenya got its independence from the colonies as they heap more praise to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government for coming into their rescue.

Video: https://www.facebook.com/253843368496485/posts/928758144338334/

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