It was reported a few days ago that Caroline Kangogo had written a threatening message to her baby daddy, who happens to be a prominent police officer in the city of Mombasa. has confirmed that she left a statement indicating why she allegedly did not kill him as she did her other two victims, which was published on the website.
According to the source, she appears to have planned to perform the third offence but was prevented from doing so by a number of circumstances. It has been reported that she sent him a message stating that she would have killed him if he had been in Nairobi.
Because of the large number of security personnel assigned to the marine unit, she had a difficult time getting to Mombasa from Nairobi.
She would be readily apprehended in that country, which may be one of the reasons she did not travel there. A message she left behind, which was discovered by the detectives, provided additional insight into her motivation for the crimes.
Kangogo allegedly shot herself in the homestead of her parents. Some of her friends in Elgeyo Marakwet also talked to the mentioned source saying that her two victims allegedly owed her KSh.2.7 Million. May God comfort her parents.
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